Registration of Assessors and Moderators
- Why should I apply for registration and accreditation as an assessor and/moderator?
It is a requirement for ALL practicing assessors and moderators to be registered and accredited with BQA. The Authority undertakes the registration and accreditation process to ensure that practitioners performing assessment and moderation functions have the capacity to perform such functions.
- How do I apply for registration and accreditation as an assessor and/or moderator?
Submit an application based on the criteria set out in the Quality Assurance Standard 5. The application form for registration and accreditation of assessors and moderators can be downloaded from the BQA website.
- Can I apply for both Assessor and Moderator at the same time?
If you qualify to practice as an assessor and as a moderator you can apply for both, however, note that each category should be applied for separately i.e an application form for Assessor, and a separate one for Moderator.
- I have heard about Provisional registration and accreditation and Full registration and accreditation, what is the difference between the two?
Provisional registration and accreditation applies to Assessor applicants with less than 2 years’ assessment experience, and is valid for 3 years.
Full registration and accreditation applies to Assessor and Moderator applicants with at least 2 years’ assessment/moderation experience, and is valid for 5 years.
- Is there another process that I need to follow before I follow the assessor/moderator registration process?
Yes. Before one can apply to be registered and accredited as an Assessor and/or Moderator they must first submit their qualifications to BQA for Evaluation. Evaluation of qualifications is the process of analysing qualifications in terms of their country of origin contexts and points of difference and/or similarity in relation to local qualifications and contexts. The evaluation process leads to either recognition or non-recognition of the evaluated qualification. If the qualification is recognized, an evaluation report will be provided. Please do not apply before you receive your Evaluation of Qualification(s) (EQ) report(s).
- Is there a fee for this service?
Registration fees apply as per the BQA schedule of fees.
- 7. How do I pay?
- Applications are submitted online. Upon submission , you will be directed to payment gateway to make payment instantly. Please note that applications submitted without payment will not be processed.
- Processing an application can take up to 21 working days if all required information has been submitted.
- Once processing has been completed, a decision letter will be sent, followed by a certificate within 5 working days.
Copyright © Botswana Qualifications Authority , 2021.