QUALIFICATION: A formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved a specific set of learning outcome to given set standards.
A part qualification is an assessed unit of learning that is registered by the Authority as part of a qualification, including a module and a unit standard.
Registration of Qualification Process
- Identify a need for a qualification
- Verify the need for a qualification from Human Resource Development Council (HRDC)
- Apply for pre-approval (by BQA) of the qualification to be developed (DNCQF.P01.F01). This application form is to be completed online.
- Development of the Qualification
- Conduct a wider stakeholder consultation to obtain approval of the qualification
- Obtain endorsement from the professional body if a qualification is a professional qualification
- Submit application for registration of the qualification on the NCQF (application for registration of qualifications form)
- Audit the qualification against NCQF Requirements
- Registration of the qualification on the Framework
Copyright © Botswana Qualifications Authority , 2021.