QUALIFICATION: A formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved a specific set of learning outcome to given set standards.

A part qualification is an assessed unit of learning that is registered by the Authority as part of a qualification, including a module and a unit standard.

Registration of Qualification Process

  1. Identify a need for a qualification
  2. Verify the need for a qualification from Human Resource Development Council (HRDC)
  3. Apply for pre-approval (by BQA) of the qualification to be developed (DNCQF.P01.F01). This application form is to be completed online.
  4. Development of the Qualification
  5. Conduct a wider stakeholder consultation to obtain approval of the qualification
  6. Obtain endorsement from the professional body if a qualification is a professional qualification
  7. Submit application for registration of the qualification on the NCQF (application for registration of qualifications form)
  8. Audit the qualification against NCQF Requirements
  9. Registration of the qualification on the Framework

Click here to download the process