Education records

The Educational Records Division is responsible for: 

  • Developing and managing the Management Information Systems to support the core business of BQA.  
  • Capturing and managing data in the QA system for NCQF qualifications, Education Training Providers( HE, TVET), Awarding Bodies, Assessors, Moderators, Evaluation of Qualification, NCQF based learning programmes and others. 
  • Maintenance of the National Learner Records Database(NLRD)
  • Producing and issuing of certification for registered ETPs, Awarding Bodies, assessors, moderators, learning programmes and others.

Certificate Collection Requirements

  • Original ID i.e., Omang for citizens or original passport for non citizens.
  • For ETPs, the contact person or director is allowed to collect the certificate. They must also bring their omang (citizens) or passport (non citizens).
  • If someone is sent on behalf of an individual/ETP, an authorisation letter is needed and a certified copy of the ID/passport of the owner/contact person/director. 

- The person sent should also bring their original omang /passport.

NB: Courier services can also be used at the expense of the person whose certificate is being collected.